iPopperz monkey earbuds, $19.99. How can you not be happy with these crazy monkeys clinging to your ears?

iFrogz custom Nervepipes, $34.99. You too can create the wackiest headphones imaginable (up to a point), by choosing colors and patterns for each piece. I haven't quite found the outfit for these, yet, but I'm going to make it happen.

Zumreed Dream ZHP-005 Color Headphones, $59.99. CUTE!

Wesc headphones, $55.

These might be my favorite of the bunch: Audio-Technica ATH-ON3 Casual Headphones, $39.99. With their ultrathin headband, these kinda split the difference between the earmuff-size phones and the earbuds. I'd definitely go for the lime green!
1 comment:
Recently, according to a survey concerning the most glamorous women conducted by the professionals, Michelle Obama is in the first place. links of london You should never surprise why so many charming creatures, such as Angelina Jolie and Gisele Bundchen, are left behind. links of london Just simply imagine that what will happen if the women like them are in the office. So clear the answer. links of london And Michelle Obama may have no special features on her face and figure. Nevertheless, she has a talent on the fashion trend and matching of costume and charms. links of london In consideration of her age, figure, status, and taste, she is absolutely the outstanding model of women in the middle class all over the world. links of london As to the women in managing level, they also have their true links of london icon at last. links of london It is well known that pearls are the favorite of Michelle Obama. Besides, she also tries to wear one piece of jewel upon another, Cartier upon links of london, for instance. links of london It is lamination that keeps the focus of eyes and increases the sense of gradation of jewels, revealing luxury and brightness which makes her admire by others. links of london However, these brilliant jewelries are mainly for women with certain abilities, capacity, qualities, and experience. links of london And they, truly, need a piece of brilliant bracelet to dress in order to be confident among women in the same class. links of london The lamination of jewels is just a fashionable style for young ladies and diamonds are too dear, so links of london or Channel silver, for example, are best alternative. links of london Keeping an eye on the first lady means focusing on the fashion trend and therefore, you will lead a wonderful life as an OL. links of london
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