Kayla Kromer of Austin MADE this burger bed, and obviously she is a GENIUS.
You can be friends with the Burger Bed on Facebook and become a fan of Kayla, which you should, because she's obviously a genius, like I said.
I love this snippet of dialogue on Hamburger Bed's Facebook page. It's regarding the BUYER (luckiest human ON this EARTH besides RACHEL ZOE who is SOOOOO FORTUNATE to have cracked the code that allows one to exist ONLY ON SHREDDED LETTUCE!), Paul:
One person: "Is Paul cool?"
Another person: "He bought a hamburger bed. Enough of an indication? I think so..."
Anyway, unless you are Paul, know Paul, Paul decides to resell the burger bed, or, you break into Paul's house (reason enough to invest in a feral pitbull!) you can buy a more size- and recession-friendly burger pillow like the one I own and adore:
You have no clue how comfy a burger pillow is. And surprisingly supportive on one's neck! Kosher for Passover too.
That bed is 18 kinds of awesome.
oooh. hamburger bed is uber cool. :D
Reminds me of the vulva couch. Not quite as disturbing, though.
I like the bed but would settle for the pillow. So cute.
That bed is really really cool..
Agua bendita lingerie
Cheeeesssyyyy..lol ;D I'd love to have that burger bed too. ;D
Travel and Living
Job Hunt Pinoy
that is so fashionable. You can also put french fries lamp on the side of your bed.
that is amazing. Haha
cover me in ketchup and let me sleep all day!! fantastic!
The bed is hilarious.
I definitely have a cheeseburger pillow, and I REALLY want a bed like that!!! Ridiculously awesome.
he he he , that is really funny bed. nice to see this one.
Designer Clothing
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