JUST LOOK how psyched these fashionistas are to have their picture taken! I think they caught me. But, had they said something, I’d have praised them, particularly the petite one on the right – nice job of being a wee woman (like myself) and making it work in the case of the belted caftan and leggings. While the cowboy boots are dubious (HELLO, Sienna herself declared them OVES!), I love the floral pattern so much that I can overlook it. (I also say that because I will probably continue to wear cowboy boots too since I have a pair I love). It’s just retro enough that it’s fresh and fun and not so of-an-era that it becomes totally That '70s Top. (Here's a sorta similar one, though I wish it weren't brown).

This pixie-haired attendee will not give up summer. Which is okay, because she’s not dressed in a manner that’s completely seasonally deficient. I love the flowy spring-y dress — still quite warm enough to wear that here in New York — paired with a jacket (don’t particularly love THAT jacket, but it did fit her well, and looked even better in person [Ed note: I'd hope so. This outfit looks fairly wack to me. —Mary-Kate]) and her VERY F/W ’06 black booties. Of which I own a pair. That I bought several years ago, which is JUST how style psychic I am. But I digress.

On the other hand, this chick – who had an awesome accent – is obvs SO ready for it to be winter. So much so that she’s already busted out her sweaterdress and boots. Go ahead. (Sweat her sweater? Try these in descending order of esspensyness — Phillip Lim, Edward An, KAROO Mark Eisen — my fave! And a most affordable one from Urbs, even though it's actually a tunic, so please wear something underneath!) More power to you, mon French ami, as you look great. Rock it if you got it.
Which brings me to… the money shot:

Much like the old joke about the fire at the circus, this is in.effing.tense. Except this guy IS the circus and both he and his judgment are clearly ON FIRE. I should point out, lest you didn’t notice, his boots match. Perfectly. And his pants (leggings? knickers?? WTF?) are the same pattern, different colors. Either he’s a) certifiably insane, b) a professional clown, c) a fashion genius whose likeness and style will be revered and copied in the pages of your favorite oversized - slash - excessively heavy fashion magazine, or d) has one day to live and decided to wear something that just says “Fuck it all.”
God bless the camera phone.
What a crazy outfit!
Those choices you gave are hilarious...
but too hard to choose just one - perhaps a combination of all? lol!
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