BB Dakota skirt, $40. "Tribal" is in, folks. It's one of those things, like "nautical" and "floral," that magazines loooooove to run trend stories on, year after year after year. Anyone for mod? Equestrian? LUMBERJACK? Ahem. Anyway, this skirt is totally cute and 100 percent cotton. I am buying it.

It also comes in dress form for $48.

Tropicalia Twirl skirt, $29. See? Tribal. Told ya.
Where was I? Oh, yes. Cute stuff other than shoes. Here we go, fast and furious:

Striped cardigan (STRIPES!), $58.

Denim dress, $52. I might buy this too. Undecided. It looks a little eh, but then sometimes the things that don't look like much on the hanger end up being your go-to pieces. At least that's what I've found.

Kimchi Blue striped skirt, $48. Not sure why I'm into high-waisted skirts all of a sudden, but that appears to be the case.

BDG striped knit pencil skirt, $48. This might fall under the rubric of "theoretically cool but looks like shite on an actual girl." But I like the construction in addition to the stripes. One word: pockets!
Finally, I'm sorry, but I can't NOT tell you about one awesome, cheap-ass shoe purchase I made recently.

These fantastic little canvas slip-ons, $16, are the perfect casual summer shoe. I'll wear these with everything on the weekends. Also in perennially trendy STRIPES!
this skirt is fantastic. i love myself a high waist...thinking about changing outfits again. sigh
BDG striped pencil skirt made my rear look wide
and i ain't got no ass yo
just sayin'...
I so love those statement skirt I think they make us look so barbie and girly...
That denim dress is hot! Love it!
Check out my fashion model blog!
It's absolutely delcious!! the dress is cute too, but i'd much rather the skirt, you know...to pair it up with other stuffff.
the second skirt is cute too, i'm obsessed with the whole tribal theme :)
but i have to say i'm not too fond of the striped cardigan and the denim dress. ESPECIALLY the striped cardigan. it just looks a bit generic...and the denim dress, you're right, it looks a little 'eh'.
i guess it could work if you belted it or something
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