And here we have an ACTUAL pitch I ACTUALLY received. The product? "PERIOD UNDIES." I know that PR isn't easy and that not every client's product sells itself. But this is just beyond the beyond. I've redacted the name of the sender and PR agency out of the kindness of my heart. I'm sorry though. The rest I HAD TO SHARE, verbatim. And they sent it in jpeg format. I just couldn't resist.
The worst part of the whole thing? The proper name of these undies is actually PERIOD UNDIES. I can't.

Now don't think for a second that I think it's funny that the owner of Period Undies underwent a personal tragedy and is donating a portion of all sales to Pediatric Brain Tumor Research. That's not funny. And it's great that she's donating to an important cause. But WHO WANTS TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH PERIOD UNDIES????!?!!? Oh, and ready for the ultimate irony? THEY COME IN WHITE. Huh? Aren't period undies NEVER EVER, NOT EVER WHITE by DEFINITION?
And consider these two caveats, from the website:
When staining occurs, hand wash as soon as possible to prevent permanent stains.And...
All sales final on opened merchandise.Well I'd hope so.
Oh, and PS -- You can become a fan of "Period Undies" on Facebook. Think about it...
Well I'm happy to hear that they can withstand vigorous stretching. That so rare in a pair of panties.
Words fail me.
And really, don't most women already HAVE period undies? They're the ones that are old and a little holey.
Oh. My. God. I honestly don't know how to react to this, except to say GROSSSSSSSSSSS!
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