First, dig the raddest shoes I've ever seen on one server at Sniff -- a suuuuper sweet-ass shoe boutique in London.

Too bad if you don't live in London, but you can call and order 'em by phone. Yay for advancements in telecommunications! Their house brand is a self-described hybrid of Gwen Stefani meets Dita Von Teese. As long as they take only the best of those two, and not the shameful worsts, I'll gladly holla back at such adorbs shoes. Har.

Having been both a blonde and a brunette (and a redhead and also a raven-haired lady), I can honestly say that brunettes DO have more fun. AND bigger boobs. That said, I really want this necklace. Someone buy it for me, or I'll have to get pissy.

I know this isn't very fall-esque, but if you don't think this is just the cutest thing this side of the moon, well then fie on you. I searched for that mofo on ebay and found and got this instead for the low, low price of $25. Yay me!

Onto sweaters... This striped boyfriend sweater completely makes me go "Woo! Fall!" I like that it's grey and not predictable black and white, though I do like B&W too.
And look!

Shoetime! Q: Could Loeffler Randall shoes be any more scrumptious? A: Heckynaw! They're like the thinking woman's Jimmy Choos. (Oh yes I did.)

Um, hi. They fit the ENTIRE Eiffel Tower up in there! The same person who's gonna get me that Brunette necklace should just pop for this while they're at it. $520 is a tad outta my price range (hell, $20 is outta my price range at the moment), but I WILL find a similar piece of about 1/750th of the price. Just you wait.

While filling up your hypothetical shopping cart with Gaultier, toss in this dreamy Deco dress too. I know I would. Also, the model in that photo, does she or does she not resemble TV's Finola Hughes?

Finally, as you probably know, squirrels are basically the new owls. You heard it here. So I'd be remiss not to own this nutty little number. Swoon. I probably never will.
Ok. Eight is enough. I go and leave you with this...
Wait. I lied...
I believe I've shared my <3 for AKA New York, and if I haven't, then I will now.

Nevermind the fact that that model looks like the sluttier Bush twin. I really love this dress. Especially the shirt dress, which looks even better with boots, as opposed to the prego look smock dresses with boots can sometimes create. Not that there's anything wrong with that. The latter is even fall-i-er looking. Loves.
Ok. I go and leave you with this:

Binge away!
cool. are you moving to the UK, T.Lo? do you work in fashion ?
No, not moving to the UK. Was just channelling my famous namesake who is/ was considering a move to Londontown. Not in fashion, but I'd like to be! Got a j-o-b for me?
I am a huge fan of winknyc.com too. i love their store in new york. they just sent me an email that all seychelle shoes are 30% off. Cool!
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